Gemini Monthly Horoscope

December 2017

An era is approaching its ending for those of the sign of Gemini and this will begin to occur at some point this month. Something which you’ve been working at for quite some time is about to reach its natural end. You have a choice here – you can carry on regardless by keeping up that habit of battling away and putting the hours in, or you can stand back, reassess the situation and see that it’s now time to quit and move on. If you can manage to do this you’ll be able to turn your attention to new beginnings and the planetary alignments presently indicate that this is what you’re best advised to do. This, however, is something that you have to be convinced of so this month take some rest and have a good look at what you’ve been working at and see for yourself just how much more potential for development it really has. All things are temporary and all things have their allotted time span. If you attempt to push nature against the natural grain you’ll soon find that it pushes back. So be good to yourself this month. You’ve achieved much and you can achieve much more – you only need a new direction and this will pop into your mind as soon as your mind is open enough to accept it.

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Prescient Priscilla